Thursday, December 26, 2019

Beyond timidity: Understanding social anxiety disorder

Many people consider themselves to be the shy type. While others grow out of feeling awkward in the presence of others, some people seem to be more withdrawn through the years. Neuroengineering and neurotherapy expert Dr. Curtis Cripe explains that the difference can be a personality trait. However, extreme self-consciousness can be a symptom of social anxiety disorder. Here are some important points worth understanding about this mental health condition:
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It is accompanied by fear.

Those who suffer from social anxiety may appear timid like others. However, in public settings, they go through the fear of being judged. Sometimes this fear gets in the way of their daily routine, such as going to work, school, or interacting with others. Simple activities, such as eating or drinking, can be a challenge for people with social phobia. Speaking in public or with an unfamiliar person may cause them to manifest symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, and an increase in heart rate.

It can be overpowering.

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Dr. Curtis Cripe explains that a person’s social phobia can be overwhelming, especially when one has no choice but to interact with others. Many individuals who have this condition are aware of their symptoms but feel that they can’t do anything to conquer it. In turn, some might miss out on opportunities that could further their growth.

It can be managed.

Seeking the help of a mental health professional can help a person manage social anxiety. Therapy, treatments, and practices can significantly encourage a person to open up to the world around them. Keeping trusted people close will provide support for people who want to expose themselves to situations they used to dread.

The expertise of Dr. Curtis Cripe has been instrumental in the development of the treatment programs used by NTL Group. One of his specializations is in the field of psychophysiology. For more information about Dr. Cripe and his work, visit this website.

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