Friday, August 28, 2020

How people who work from home can keep their minds at ease

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Dr. Curtis Cripe of NTL Group continues to share information in his series of blogs to help people get through the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Ever since the global health crisis came into full swing sometime around March this year, over 30% of all employees in the U.S. were forced to take on work-from-home setups. In a lot of states, people have been ordered to isolate and quarantine themselves – for their own safety.

Now, nearly six months later, the U.S., as well as the rest of the world is still trying to cope with the pandemic, savoring every little victory they can. However, six months is a long time, especially for people who are not used to staying at home for most of the day. Some people may experience a bit of restlessness where their minds are concerned.

Below, Dr. Curtis Cripe lists a few ways people can keep their minds at ease.

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1. Workers, even at home, should try to communicate with family, friends, or even colleagues on a personal level. Simple conversations allow them to let out what’s in their minds, and this could be of great help.

2. Workers should try creating new daily routines or revamping their old ones. The pandemic has forced everyone to adjust, and having a daily routine is another way of keeping one’s mind at ease.

3. Workers should take as many breaks as possible – without neglecting their work, of course. Watching a Netflix movie or playing video games does wonder for the mind, Dr. Curtis Cripe adds.

Curtis Cripe, Ph.D., heads research and development at the NTL Group, which works with neuroengineering technology to treat addiction, head injury (TBI), depression, anxiety, memory disorders, and neurodevelopmental delays in children with learning disorders. Visit this blog for related posts.

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